Looking for Chiropractic Treatment For Asthma Near Everett? Asthma symptoms can be reduced or even eliminated through experienced chiropractic intervention. Research has demonstrated that there is a definitive link between the nervous system, spinal column and respiratory system. Breathing can be improved with chiropractic manipulation.
Chemical exposure increases the incidence of asthma in our society and chemicals are all around us. Our homes, businesses, schools and merchants are insulated to the extent that they trap chemicals in the environments in which we live and interact. Our obsession with antibacterial cleaning can also be a contributing factor.
In addition to the diaphragm, the nerves in the spinal cord in the middle area of the neck (C3, C4 and C5) help to control breathing. Misalignment in this portion of the neck can negatively affect the nerve supply to the diaphragm and effective respiration.
A two-month study of 81 children with asthma who received chiropractic care demonstrated that they enjoyed a 45% decrease in the number of asthma attacks and that 31% of the subjects could decrease the amount of medication utilized for the condition.
While chiropractic care cannot help all of those with asthma, it may aid in reducing the occurrence and severity of asthma attacks. Call us today to schedule a consultation to see if Chiropractic Treatment For Asthma Near Everett is right for you!
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