Bedwetting is more common than people may believe. It is incredibly embarrassing and stressful for children. Nighttime bladder control after the age of four or five often signifies an underlying issue. Although chiropractic intervention does not treat nocturnal enuresis itself, many children benefit from natural chiropractic methods. Contact us today to see if Chiropractic Treatment For Bedwetting Near Granite Falls is right for your child or loved one.
Misalignment of the sacrum (the bone at the base of the spine) can compromise the nerves responsible for proper bladder control. The detrusor and trigone muscles control the emptying of the bladder. The nerves that leave the spine in the lower back and sacrum regulate these muscles. Adjustment of the sacrum can restore better bladder function.
Many positive studies about chiropractic care for bladder control have been published in the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics:
- Of the 46 children who received chiropractic care over 10 weeks, ¼ of the children had at least a 50% reduction in bedwetting frequency.
- Persistent bedwetters who received 8 chiropractic adjustments reduced the number of incidents from 7 per week to 4.
- One 8-year-old male bedwetter had a chiropractic manipulation twice within one month. Bedwetting completely ceased.
Although chiropractic intervention isn’t a treatment for bedwetting, a complete physical exam can reveal if the cause is from nerve interference from the spine and adjustments initiated. Our sensitive and effective approach to care can relieve symptoms in a calm and compassionate way. If you’re looking for Chiropractic Treatment For Bedwetting Near Granite Falls, contact us today for a consultation and we’ll be happy to help.
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