Looking for Chiropractic Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Near Mill Creek? In addition to working well on the spine, Dr. Johnstone Chiropractic techniques can also be useful for other joints of the body, including your bones and ligaments in the wrist. Almost every joint has the potential to malfunction and cause impaired movement, pain and less range of motion. Trauma, repetitive movements and vibration are usually responsible.
The band of small bones and ligaments in the wrist is known as the carpal tunnel. Any type of collapse in this area can cause severe pain. It is even possible that the culprit could be due to changes in the joints of the wrist, elbow, shoulder and neck. Problems in the upper spine may cause difficulty in any area from the spine itself to the little finger. This is known as double crush syndrome.
Chiropractic methodologies can relieve pain in the jaw, shoulders, hip, knees and ankles. Before resorting to medication or invasive surgery, consult our chiropractic practice for Chiropractic Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Near Mill Creek. Your consultation carries no obligation.
Click here to try this at-home carpal tunnel test.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What about bone spurs?
Are there any issues with popping the knuckles?
Will a wrist brace help?
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