If You Have Neck Pain, See What Chiropractic Treatment Near Marysville Can Do

If You Have Neck Pain, See What Chiropractic Treatment Near Marysville Can Do

When is a pain in the neck more than just a pain in the neck? When is it a sign that something more serious may be involved? Seeking help with chiropractic treatment near Marysville could get you notable, safe relief.

Typically, neck pain is caused by a muscle strain, and one side of the neck may experience more pain than the other. But when other symptoms accompany neck pain, it may be cause for concern. Here’s why:

  • Neck pain with vomiting and stiffness may indicate meningitis. If you cannot touch your chin to your chest and experience drowsiness, confusion, and/or sensitivity to bright lights, call a medical professional right away.
  • Neck pain with weakness in the arms and tingling in the fingers may indicate a herniated disc, which is pressure on a nerve root due to a narrowing of the spinal cord canal.
  • Neck pain after a car accident is usually referred to as whiplash. When you’re in a car that is hit from behind, the neck tends to snap suddenly forward and then backward, causing what is known as cervical acceleration/deceleration (CAD) trauma or syndrome.

How Chiropractic Care Can Help

Most people experience neck pain at some time in their lives. At Johnstone Chiropractic, we’re skilled in determining whether you have a relatively minor issue or whether you require a referral to another type of practitioner. After examining you thoroughly, we’ll aim to restore normal feeling and function in your neck and other affected body parts or make a referral to a practitioner who can help you.

Continued care will help ensure that the muscles and joints in your neck and back remain in optimal working condition to keep you living life to your fullest potential without restriction.

Neck pain is no fun to deal with. Call Johnstone Chiropractic at (425) 357-7634 for info on chiropractic treatment for neck pain near Marysville.

When is a pain in the neck more than just a pain in the neck? When is it a sign that something more serious may be involved? Seeking help with chiropractic treatment near Marysville could get you notable, safe relief. Typically, neck pain is caused by a muscle strain, and one side of the neck […]

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Johnstone Chiropractic | (425) 357-7634
Proudly serving Lake Stevens and Marysville since 1997.
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