Since chiropractic care differs from traditional medical treatment it is subject to much discussion and doubt. However, millions of people have benefitted from this type of care since 1985.
Some common myths about chiropractic care include:
- Chiropractic care is not based on science.
- Chiropractors do not have enough education.
- Chiropractors are not “real” doctors.
- Strokes are caused by chiropractic adjustments.
- If you go for one chiropractic visit, you will have to go forever.
- Do not fix what is not broken.
- My physician will not support this treatment.
- Children should not seek chiropractic care.
- Chiropractors require a referral.
- The results of chiropractic care are simply the placebo effect.
Chiropractors would have disappeared years ago if these myths were true. Not only has chiropractic thrived, it is becoming more mainstream everyday as patients seek more natural treatment methods and drug-free approaches to healthcare.