How to Ease Your Pain and Calm Your Mind with Chiropractic Treatment for Stress Management in Monroe

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How to Ease Your Pain and Calm Your Mind with Chiropractic Treatment for Stress Management in Monroe

How to Ease Your Pain and Calm Your Mind with Chiropractic Treatment for Stress Management in Monroe

Stress has a bad habit of sticking around in your shoulders, neck, chest, and back. To relieve stress, you can do things like meditate, get a massage, listen to music, or ease your pain and calm your mind with chiropractic treatment for stress management in Monroe.

It is a fact that stress is present in our everyday lives. It’s inevitable, but there are ways to handle it. Too much stress can affect how you work, live, sleep… everything about your life. But sometimes, it’s hard to tell if you’re overly stressed or if there’s something else going on.

Here are a few signs of stress:

  • Chronic fatigue
  • Headache
  • Muscle tension or feeling as if you’re always on edge
  • Anxiety or restlessness
  • Change in appetite
  • Lack of focus, motivation, or trouble concentrating
  • Angry outbursts or unexplained irritability
  • Tightness in the chest or knots of pain between the shoulders

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Alleviate Stress?

Your entire body is interconnected with nerves, muscles, and veins. The nervous system is meant to run smoothly, like clockwork. So, when one part of you is tense and in pain, your body responds by decreasing the function of the rest of your body. Chiropractic care releases the tension in your spine, signaling to your nervous system to let go of stress and increase productivity.

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help Ease Stress-Related Depression and Anxiety?

This is a simple one. When you feel good in your body, your mind will follow. No stress or pain = fewer reasons to be depressed and anxious. Practice self-care, beginning with chiropractic treatments!

Johnstone Chiropractic knows all too well the dangers of excessive stress. Chiropractic treatment for stress management in Monroe is a great way to ease your pain and calm your mind. Give us a call to set up an appointment at (425) 357-7634.

Stress has a bad habit of sticking around in your shoulders, neck, chest, and back. To relieve stress, you can do things like meditate, get a massage, listen to music, or ease your pain and calm your mind with chiropractic treatment for stress management in Monroe. It is a fact that stress is present in […]

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Why Chiropractic Adjustments are Essential in Mountlake Terrace for Good Health of Mind and Body

Why Chiropractic Adjustments are Essential in Mountlake Terrace for Good Health of Mind and Body

Johnstone Chiropractic is happy to give you a few examples of why chiropractic adjustments are essential in Mountlake Terrace for the good health of mind and body. We know how much your daily health and well-being mean to you, so our team is always here to help!

Chiropractic practices have been around since the late 1800s since it was discovered that manipulation of the spine could relieve a variety of ailments and provide much-needed pain relief through spinal adjustment. Those little pops you hear during an adjustment are trapped bubbles of air. Some people visualize those pops as tension leaving their bodies, while others focus on the satisfaction and tingle they feel from head to toe after a good chiropractic treatment.

You Can Increase Your Flexibility

Your whole body is a clockwork network of nerves and ligaments from head to toe. It all works together in one smooth function. Therefore, when there’s a problem in one area, like your spine or back muscles, it affects your entire body. Releasing the tension through an adjustment can help you regain control to increase flexibility and deepen your stretches.

Help Treat Chronic Injuries and Illnesses

Chiropractic adjustments feel good and provide pain relief for almost everyone. It helps heal ailments like subluxation and pinched nerves but can also be used for stress management.

Ease Pain and Calm Your Nerves for a More Focused State of Mind

When your body feels better, your mind feels better. Your whole outlook can change with a chiropractic adjustment because you don’t have pain and tension to ruin your day.

Johnstone Chiropractic Can Help You Ease into a Chiropractic Routine!

We at Johnstone Chiropractic believe in the healing power of chiropractic care. Helping you heal is why chiropractic adjustments are essential in Mountlake Terrace, regardless of your ailment. It’s a way for you to feel better and more comfortable. Give us a call for more information or set up your first appointment at (425) 357-7634.

Johnstone Chiropractic is happy to give you a few examples of why chiropractic adjustments are essential in Mountlake Terrace for the good health of mind and body. We know how much your daily health and well-being mean to you, so our team is always here to help! Chiropractic practices have been around since the late […]

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Can Chiropractic Treatment for Pinched Nerves & Subluxation Near Darrington Ease Your Pain?

Can Chiropractic Treatment for Pinched Nerves & Subluxation Near Darrington Ease Your Pain?There are natural remedies to help with all sorts of discomfort and injuries. Chiropractic treatment for pinched nerves and subluxation near Darrington can help ease your pain and calm your mind – and Johnstone Chiropractic is here when you need us!

Subluxation and pinched nerves are two of the most painful back injuries that someone could suffer from. It’s excruciating and gets worse over time, resulting in symptoms like:

  • Loss of mobility in certain parts of the body.
  • Deformation of parts of the spine, resulting in further pain.
  • Swelling and bruises on the skin over the spine.
  • Instability of the area, resulting in falls and loss of balance.

How Does Chiropractic Treatment Help?

By definition, chiropractic adjustment is a steady, gentle pressure that pushes the spine into alignment and manipulates joints and nerves to balance the body. This process eases pain, provides relief of chronic conditions or illnesses, and brings your body back into sync with the signals of your nervous system.

Can Subluxation and Pinched Nerves be Permanently Healed?

Subluxations rarely require surgery. One of the most effective ways to heal subluxation and pinched nerves is through the chiropractic adjustment. It’s easier to heal if the issues are detected early.

Are Regular Visits to the Chiropractor Required? Or is a One-Time Treatment Sufficient?

It depends on the severity of the subluxation and pinched nerves. Chiropractors will often order x-rays to ensure your problems; then, you can develop a treatment plan together. Most chiropractors accommodate your budget and schedule, so don’t be afraid to be honest with your time and money.

Johnstone Chiropractic Can Help!

The best part of regular chiropractic treatment for pinched nerves and subluxation near Darrington is Johnstone Chiropractic, a reliable, reputable chiropractor office with knowledge of pain relief. You must leave here more comfortable and at ease than when you walked in. Give us a call to set up an appointment at (425) 357-7634.

There are natural remedies to help with all sorts of discomfort and injuries. Chiropractic treatment for pinched nerves and subluxation near Darrington can help ease your pain and calm your mind – and Johnstone Chiropractic is here when you need us! Subluxation and pinched nerves are two of the most painful back injuries that someone […]

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How to Find the Best Chiropractor for Chiropractic Adjustments for Subluxation Spine Alignment Treatment Near Granite Falls

How to Find the Best Chiropractor for Chiropractic Adjustments for Subluxation Spine Alignment Treatment Near Granite Falls

Regular chiropractic adjustments for subluxation spine alignment treatment near Granite Falls are easy to find, so Johnstone Chiropractic wants to walk you through how to locate the best chiropractor for your appointment.

Spinal issues, for people without spinal issues, are often viewed as having neck, back, or shoulder pains. Nothing more, nothing less – but spinal issues are more complex than that. They can ruin your mobility, the structure of your body, posture, mindset, and the quality of your life.

Subluxation, for instance, happens when a vertebra shifts out of place, pinching a nerve and disrupting the flow of blood and signals to the brain through the nervous system. The worst part? The pain. Multiple vertebrae can slip out of place at once, causing extreme pain that impedes everyday activities.

Read the Reviews and Take Mental Note of Positive Feedback

In this day and age, people write reviews for their experiences if those experiences made an impression – good or bad. Check online review sites to read about different chiropractic offices in your city. If the positive outweighs the negative, add them to the shortlist.

Look to See if They Have Dealt with Your Issues Before

Don’t discount the negative reviews. If a chiropractic office has had issues before, weigh the severity of the claim. If you find multiple reviews for the same issues, then that’s an office you want to steer clear of. It comes down to the chiropractor that would provide the most comfortable experience for you.

Johnstone Chiropractic Has Got Your Back

Our team at Johnstone Chiropractic has the knowledge of chiropractic adjustments for subluxation spine alignment treatment near Granite Falls. Our expertise is your comfort, so give us a call at (425) 357-7634.

Regular chiropractic adjustments for subluxation spine alignment treatment near Granite Falls are easy to find, so Johnstone Chiropractic wants to walk you through how to locate the best chiropractor for your appointment. Spinal issues, for people without spinal issues, are often viewed as having neck, back, or shoulder pains. Nothing more, nothing less – but […]

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How Chiropractic Treatment for Pregnancy in Woodinville Can Help You Through Each Trimester


How Chiropractic Treatment for Pregnancy in Woodinville Can Help You Through Each Trimester

Chiropractic treatment for pregnancy in Woodinville can help you ease through each trimester with comfort and assurance. While dealing with the phases of pregnancy, each trimester has its own set of challenges. From morning sickness to chronic fatigue, aches, pains, and general discomfort that makes it difficult to do anything as time progresses. It might leave you feeling frustrated, unable to enjoy the experience of pregnancy.

What Happens to Your Body During Pregnancy?

In growing a baby, your body becomes fuller and more flexible. Your muscles expand, your nerves and veins shift, and your internal organs move to make way for the life growing in your belly. This comes with a slew of discomfort and pressure, especially on your back as your belly grows and pulls down on your spine.

Additionally, as the fetus grows and gains weight, it begins to move and delivers solid kicks and punches to the muscles and nerves in your abdomen and back. That little ninja in your womb can knock your spine out of alignment, causing frustration and pain.

How is Chiropractic Care Good for Relief of Pregnancy Symptoms?

Chiropractors can be seen through every step of pregnancy, even before conception to prepare your body for the journey ahead. To relieve pregnancy symptoms, a chiropractor will apply steady pressure in gentle adjustments to realign the spine and improve your center of gravity. This relieves pain in the hips, back, and lower belly, and makes pregnancy more bearable.

Have a Happy, Healthy Pregnancy!

The team at Johnstone Chiropractic is well-versed in the physical and mental challenges that many pregnant women face these days. You don’t have to be uncomfortable. With chiropractic treatments for pregnancy in Woodinville, you can prepare your body for the ebbs and flows of each trimester. Let us help you find calm and comfort in each trimester of your pregnancy. Give us a call for an appointment at (425) 357-7634.

  Chiropractic treatment for pregnancy in Woodinville can help you ease through each trimester with comfort and assurance. While dealing with the phases of pregnancy, each trimester has its own set of challenges. From morning sickness to chronic fatigue, aches, pains, and general discomfort that makes it difficult to do anything as time progresses. It might […]

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How Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments for Scoliosis in Gold Bar Can Help Correct Your Posture  

How Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments for Scoliosis in Gold Bar Can Help Correct Your Posture

In half of the scoliosis cases that continue through childhood, surgical intervention is required to correct the curvature in the spine. For other cases, chiropractic treatment & adjustments for scoliosis in Gold Bar are viable corrective options, and Johnstone Chiropractic can help!

By definition, scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine, commonly diagnosed in children, especially young women, before puberty. There are almost three million reported cases of scoliosis in the United States annually, some of which can correct themselves as a child grows. Other cases are more severe and can lead to significant deformities in the spine, posture, and pressure on the internal organs.

What are the Symptoms of Scoliosis?

If you expect that your child might have scoliosis, these are the signs and symptoms to watch for:

  • Excessive forward or backward lean while walking
  • One shoulder blade is slightly elevated in comparison to the other
  • Uneven shoulders or hips
  • Tilted waist
  • Complaints of back pain with a noticeable curve in the lower spine

How Does a Chiropractor Treat Scoliosis?

Scoliosis doesn’t have a cure, but it can be managed. Chiropractors use steady, gentle adjustment techniques to realign the spine, making it straighter over several adjustments. While some people living with scoliosis might need one or two adjustments to correct a spine curvature, others might need regular adjustments for the rest of their lives.

How You Can Maintain Treatment Results Between Adjustments:

  • Stretches with focus on loosening tight back muscles, i.e., pelvic tilts and downward dog yoga poses.
  • Calcium and vitamin E supplements strengthen bones and muscles.
  • Management of a healthy weight to prevent worsening of the spine curvature.
  • Hydration to lubricate muscles and cartilage surrounding the spine.

Give Us a Call!

Johnstone Chiropractic is well-versed in the benefits of chiropractic treatment & adjustments for scoliosis in Gold Bar. Call to set up an appointment at (425) 357-7634.

In half of the scoliosis cases that continue through childhood, surgical intervention is required to correct the curvature in the spine. For other cases, chiropractic treatment & adjustments for scoliosis in Gold Bar are viable corrective options, and Johnstone Chiropractic can help! By definition, scoliosis is a sideways curve of the spine, commonly diagnosed in […]

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Can Chiropractic Treatment for PMS Premenstrual Syndrome in Bothell Help Relieve Pain and Curb Mood Swings?

Can Chiropractic Treatment for PMS Premenstrual Syndrome in Bothell Help Relieve Pain and Curb Mood Swings?

You can find relief for PMS symptoms with chiropractic treatment for PMS Premenstrual Syndrome in Bothell. Regular visits for chiropractic care could help relieve pain while curbing mood swings, allowing you to feel more comfortable throughout your menstrual cycle.

By definition, PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, is a menstrual condition that occurs after ovulation but before the beginning of a period. Estrogen and progesterone levels plummet, sending hormones in a tailspin. It can affect mental, emotional, and physical health for several days leading up to a menstrual period.

Symptoms of PMS include:

  • Severe mood swings.
  • Acne outbreaks.
  • Sudden bouts of anxiety or depression.
  • Breast tenderness.
  • Increased/excessive appetite.
  • Inability to focus or concentrate.
  • Emotional sensitivity and irritability.
  • Painful cramps and stress headaches.

How Does Chiropractic Care Help Relieve PMS Symptoms?

Your body is one big interconnected system of nerves and signals. When you feel physical discomfort, your brain releases floods of hormones that can bring down your mood and make your mental health fluctuate. Ergo, when you experience mood swings and bloat symptoms, your body sends those stress signals through your lumbar area because it’s behind your abdomen.

Chiropractic care can help relieve PMS symptoms with steady pressure and adjustment to the lumbar portion of your spine. This relives cramps and bloat, which sends feel-good signals to your brain. Thus, relieving mood swings and negative feelings as well.

How Often Will You Need Adjustments for PMS?

Regular chiropractic treatments for PMS should be scheduled once or twice per month, depending on the length of your menstrual cycle and the severity of your PMS symptoms. Your body will eventually become accustomed to better coping with menstrual periods.

Let Us Make You Comfortable!

PMS can wreak havoc on your mind, body, and emotions, but regular chiropractic treatment for PMS Premenstrual Syndrome in Bothell can help. We at Johnstone Chiropractic would be happy to help you accomplish comfort. Give us a call to set up an appointment at 425-357-7634.

You can find relief for PMS symptoms with chiropractic treatment for PMS Premenstrual Syndrome in Bothell. Regular visits for chiropractic care could help relieve pain while curbing mood swings, allowing you to feel more comfortable throughout your menstrual cycle. By definition, PMS, or Premenstrual Syndrome, is a menstrual condition that occurs after ovulation but before […]

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How Chiropractic Treatment for Slipped Disc in the Back or Neck in Smokey Point Can Ease Your Pain  

How Chiropractic Treatment for Slipped Disc in the Back or Neck in Smokey Point Can Ease Your Pain

Pain is a predominant sign of a “slipped” disc in your back or neck. You would be amazed to learn how regular chiropractic treatment for a slipped disc in the back or neck in Smokey Point can help ease your pain.

While slipped discs are known as “slipped” because it’s easier to explain to patients, the discs in your back don’t slip. The line of discs in your back are connected, which means they can herniate, protrude, and bulge, but slips are usually reserved for bones that can work independently.

Each vertebra in your spine is cushioned with cartilage, making it more comfortable moving and doing things. When a disc is protruding or ruptured, you will have the following symptoms:

  • Pain that radiates through the back, neck, and down one leg when sitting or doing anything that involves the use of your spine.
  • Nausea accompanying the pain.
  • Numbness or tingling sensations in the neck, shoulders, arms, and hips when standing or sitting in one position for more than a few minutes at a time.

The Ultimate Goal of Chiropractic Care is to Manage Your Discomfort

Regardless of what you are there for, the main aim of chiropractic care is to improve your quality of life and help you manage your discomfort. Chiropractic adjustments have been around for decades, perhaps even centuries, so the methods have been honed and perfected for hundreds of thousands of patients before you.

It’s a safe and reliable method for pain relief. Plus, chiropractic care is non-invasive – no injections, surgeries, or deep digging required.

Consider Johnstone Chiropractic!

We at Johnstone Chiropractic are knowledgeable about chiropractic treatment for a slipped disc in the back or neck in Smokey Point. To set up an appointment for consultation and adjustments, contact us at (425) 357-7634.

Pain is a predominant sign of a “slipped” disc in your back or neck. You would be amazed to learn how regular chiropractic treatment for a slipped disc in the back or neck in Smokey Point can help ease your pain. While slipped discs are known as “slipped” because it’s easier to explain to patients, […]

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Feel Better After Chiropractor Treatment in Lake Stevens

Feel Better After Chiropractor Treatment in Lake Stevens

One of the most important issues facing America today is how we manage pain. The pharmaceutical industry has offered many medicinal ways to manage pain, but often these lead to increased tolerance and addiction and end up causing more problems than the original problem that they were meant to solve. For those who seek drug-free pain management, there are better ways to live pain-free. With regular chiropractic treatment, you can alleviate most spinal pain and pressure. If you’ve been considering chiropractor treatment in Lake Stevens, we urge you to give Johnstone Chiropractic a try.

During your first and second visit, we’ll take x-rays and get an idea of potential spinal problems that may be causing you pain. Even if you’re not suffering from back pain itself, problems in the spine can lead to pain or discomfort in other areas. Sometimes all it takes is a regular chiropractic adjustment so that you perform better at work, sleep better, and overall feel better with a better sense of health.

Many of our patients have come to us after they’ve been told their only option is surgery or potentially addicting pain medication. With the help of Dr. Jeremy Johnstone, these patients now live pain-free without costly and unnecessary surgery or medication. We also help patients who do not suffer from spinal pain – and have had success with patients who suffer from conditions such as asthma, colic, bedwetting, and more issues.

We invite you to come meet our doctor and experience a first visit so that you can feel the difference. For the best in chiropractor treatment in Lake Stevens, call Johnstone Chiropractic today at (425)357-7634 to speak to a member of our staff.

One of the most important issues facing America today is how we manage pain. The pharmaceutical industry has offered many medicinal ways to manage pain, but often these lead to increased tolerance and addiction and end up causing more problems than the original problem that they were meant to solve. For those who seek drug-free […]

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Get Pain Free, Naturally, Visiting a Chiropractor in Lake Stevens

Chiropractor Doctor in Lake Stevens

Chiropractor Doctor in Lake Stevens

Perhaps you have pain or discomfort that pain management doesn’t help. Or, you don’t want to enter into pain management protocol over fear of having to take potentially dangerous medications. There are definitely other ways to alleviate pain and hurt, especially when it comes to back pain, that don’t require medications. One of the first things you should try is visiting a chiropractor. A chiropractor can help with many different types of spinal problems, in addition to other issues such as asthma and colic. If you’ve been in search of a chiropractor doctor in Lake Stevens, maybe it’s time to give Johnstone Chiropractic a try.

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Perhaps you have pain or discomfort that pain management doesn’t help. Or, you don’t want to enter into pain management protocol over fear of having to take potentially dangerous medications. There are definitely other ways to alleviate pain and hurt, especially when it comes to back pain, that don’t require medications. One of the first […]

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Johnstone Chiropractic | (425) 357-7634
Proudly serving Lake Stevens and Marysville since 1997.
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