5 Things You Should Know About Chiropractic Care

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5 Things You Should Know About Chiropractic Care

Did you know? There is no age limit when it comes to chiropractic care.

Getting great results with chiropractic care? Excellent! You join the millions who have benefited from an all-natural approach to better health. But there’s a lot more that’s possible. Here are a few things you might not know about chiropractic care.

1. There are no age limits.

Chiropractic care isn’t just for adults—it’s for everyone who wants to live and feel better, from newborn infants to seniors and everyone in between. Adjusting techniques are tailored to the size, weight and each individual’s specific spinal issue.

2. The first sign of a problem isn’t always pain.

A lot of patients come to us because they’re in pain. But even if your pain is relatively new, the root cause of it could be weeks, months or even years old. Why? Because your body is so adaptive it can take a long time before it runs out of adaptive capacity and symptoms appear.

3. We’re not magic—your body is.

While we love it when our patients call our techniques “magic,” you should know that our methods are simply tools to help your body express true health and wellness. Our job is to get your nervous system functioning optimally so that your body can heal and self-regulate itself without the need for drugs or surgery.

4. Adjustments are unique, just like you.

The beauty of chiropractic care is that we’re able to tailor and create an individual care plan just for your specific needs. This helps us target your problem areas and work on uncovering the root cause of the issue.

5. Optimal results are a team effort.

If you feel great after being adjusted, that’s wonderful. But our hope for patients is that their quest for health doesn’t stop there. The best results seem to occur when we do our job (locate and reduce nervous system interference) and you do your job (better nutrition, proper rest and exercise, reducing stress and keeping your visits).

Have more questions about chiropractic care and how it can help your family? Contact our practice today.

Sure, we can help you feel better. But it doesn’t stop there–find out what else you might not know about chiropractic care.

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5 Reasons to Visit a Chiropractor This Holiday Season

Even though the holiday season is a blessing for most, many of us tend to get so wrapped up in running around and decking the halls that we forget to look after our family’s health. Here’s how visiting our practice can help keep your body healthy and happy in the coming weeks.

1. Stress management. Between finding that oh-so-perfect gift for your loved one, planning meals and budgeting expenses, you’ll have your fair share of stress cut out for you. By visiting our practice, you can ensure that your nervous system is functioning optimally to better accommodate whatever comes your way.

2. Travel. If you’re planning a trip in the coming weeks, consider visiting our practice before you leave and after you return. Why? We’re often cramped in tight spaces, be it a plane, train or automobile, which can lead to muscle cramps and misalignment.

3. Seasonal injuries. It may not be so obvious, but the holidays bring their own types of injuries—including strains from hanging decorations and pulled muscles from lifting heavy boxes or shopping bags.

4. Cold and flu. If you’re often sick over the holidays, it could be because your immune system gets run down in a number of ways. Keep it in tip-top shape with regular adjustments.

5. Sluggish digestion. Yes, the holidays are for family—but let’s be honest, we’re bound to partake in a lot of eating, and some choices may not be as nutritious as we usually opt for.

Don’t let the season get the best of you—contact our practice today for your next appointment.

The holiday season is a time for family and friends–but here’s why you should also consider making a visit to our practice part of your holiday routine.

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6 Beneficial Foods for Your Nervous System

We’re all guilty of it sometimes–reaching for that not-so-healthy snack to tide us over. In moderation, a piece of candy isn’t the end of the world, but it is important to focus on putting good foods into your body more often than not.

While chiropractic care works to keep your spine in alignment and your nervous system in balance, here’s how you can go the extra mile for your body when it comes to your diet.

With the holidays coming up, you’ll want to make sure you’re incorporating these foods into your diet to help your nervous system function as best as possible.

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4 Myths About Back Pain

How much do you really know about back pain? Enjoy these good-to-know facts surrounding myths about pain in your body and what it could mean for you.

Myth 1: Back Pain is a Normal Part of Aging

Fact: Just because you’re adding more candles to your birthday cake doesn’t mean it’s normal to add back pain to your life. Sure, getting older may make us more susceptible to certain illnesses or diseases that can cause back pain, but there are steps you can take to actively diminish it and keep your spine healthy—like chiropractic care.

Myth 2: I’m Physically Active, So Back Pain Won’t Be a Problem for Me

Fact: Staying physically fit is one of the many things you can do to keep your back healthy, but unfortunately there isn’t one set way to ensure you never experience back pain. In addition to keeping active, consider eating a highly nutritious diet, lowering stressors in your environment and maintaining proper posture.

Myth 3: I’m Not in A Lot of Pain—So My Injury Must Not Be Bad

Fact: Pain is a poor indicator of how serious your injury could be. Sometimes, pain can take days, weeks or even months to show itself following an injury as inflammation builds up in your body. If you’re experiencing a mild ache or pain that’s persistent, it may be time to get it checked out.

Myth 4: If I Have Back Pain, I Need Surgery

Fact: While nearly everyone will experience back pain at some point in their lives, it’s not a reason to opt for surgery right away. If you’re experiencing pain, try to pursue the least invasive option initially. Think of it this way—chiropractic first, drugs second and surgery third.

If you’ve been experiencing back pain, consider giving our practice a call to schedule an appointment. Back pain may be common, but it’s not normal.

How much do you really know about back pain? Enjoy these good-to-know facts surrounding myths about pain in your body and what it could mean for you. Myth 1: Back Pain is a Normal Part of Aging Fact: Just because you’re adding more candles to your birthday cake doesn’t mean it’s normal to add back pain […]

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Why Choose Ongoing Chiropractic Care?

“If I start chiropractic care, do I have to keep going forever?”

It’s a common myth associated with chiropractic care that is simply not true. While we’re happy to help our patients feel better by bringing them out of pain with chiropractic care, having to go forever isn’t the case. Even though a course of care varies for each person, one thing is true—we aim to make you a partner in your health.

And while you don’t have to do anything, we have many patients who choose to see us on a regular basis. Have you ever wondered about maintenance care? Here’s how it can benefit you.

1. Prevention

When you visit our practice for ongoing chiropractic care, it can actually help you strengthen your problem area to help prevent an injury from reoccurring. Regular adjustments also keep your body balanced and in tune, allowing for better healing and correction of new spinal problems to avoid a relapse.

2. Improved Posture

Let’s face it—a lot of us sit for most of our day. You might not notice immediate problems from over-sitting, but down the line your posture could suffer. When your posture is compromised, this can lead to other issues like sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, back pain and more. Get ahead of these issues by opting for chiropractic care before you develop a problem.

3. Enhanced Wellness

Many patients, after feeling what constitutes “normal” can tell when they need an adjustment. We can do more than just bring you out of pain—we help our patients continue to live the life they desire without problems through health optimization. This doesn’t mean we need to see someone for an adjustment every day or even every week—sometimes, just a once a month “tune up” can be ideal.

Ready to make your next appointment with our practice? Give us a call today.

We can do more than just help you recover from pain. How does better health and wellness for life sound?

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6 Ways to Keep Your Body Young

While hitting the gym and eating salads are great for your mind and body, they aren’t the only ways to keep you feeling good as you age. Here are six different things you can incorporate into your daily life that can help keep your body young.

Wondering what you can do to keep your body feeling great into your golden years? You’ll want to read this article.

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6 Ways to Improve Your Mood Naturally

Ever feel like you’ve woken up on the wrong side of the bed, angry or displeased without much reason? You’re not alone. But instead of reaching for stimulants like coffee and tea or continuing the day in a bad mood, consider what you can do to change how you feel, naturally.

The best part? You can do each of these things in just a few minutes—how’s that for a positive return on your investment?

1. Laugh
There’s a lot of truth to the old saying “laughter is the best medicine”—it’s a proven fact that laughter lowers stress hormones.

2. Listen to Music
Even if you’re not in the mood for it, listening to upbeat music can help you feel better. But the key is to try to relax—let yourself enjoy the music instead of asking whether or not you’re starting to feel better.

3. Take a Pre-Work Walk
Getting your body up and moving helps release mood-enhancing endorphins. This also gives you a chance to take in some much-needed Vitamin D from the sun.

4. Clear Your Desk
Did you know that cluttered spaces could cause you to lose focus and productivity, be it in the office or at home? Keeping your desk space clean can help prevent that.

5. Get Some Sleep
When you’re back home after a long day, make sure you get to bed at a reasonable hour and keep your nighttime ritual the same aiming for 8 hours of slumber.

6. Get Adjusted
Chiropractic care can benefit things like poor sleep, achy joints and muscles and back pain among others. If you’re not feeling your best, contact our practice today to schedule an appointment.

We look forward to helping you!

Ever wake up on the wrong side of the bed? You’ll want to read this article!

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5 Ways to Live Healthier

Health–it’s something we all strive for. But achieving good health doesn’t just come from one action. Instead, health is the sum of many different acts that we participate in each day like choosing healthy snacks, stretching and limiting stress.

Here are a few tips that can help you feel and live better.

Are you living as healthy as possible?

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Eat to Beat Inflammation

What we put into our body doesn’t just reflect how we look on the outside, but how we feel on the inside. And for many patients who come to us seeking relief care initially, they don’t fully understand how poor nutrition can lead to body aches and inflammation.

So, what exactly does it mean to suffer from internal inflammation? When a substance that your body doesn’t want is introduced, your immune system begins to attack it, causing inflammation that can manifest itself in a number of ways including swollen and painful joints, decreased range of motion, stress and anxiety and fatigue among others. If we’re constantly putting food into our bodies that it doesn’t want, inflammation can become a gateway to chronic disease.

But before we get to foods that can help your body stay healthy and away from inflammation, let’s take a look at foods that are known to promote it. Typically, these are foods we wouldn’t consider “healthy” like:

  • Soda
  • Red meat
  • Shortening, lard or margarine
  • Fried foods
  • Refined carbs (pastries and bread)

Inflammation-Fighting Foods

Instead of heading to your local pharmacy to pick up medicine designed to reduce inflammation, consider swinging by your grocery store instead to incorporate the following into your diet:

  • Almonds
  • Salmon and other fatty fish
  • Fruits including cherries, oranges and blueberries
  • Olive oil
  • Leafy veggies like kale and spinach
  • Tomatoes

Have questions about inflammatory foods and how to reduce their burden on your body? Ask us at your next visit.

Eat this, not that!

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How Chiropractic Promotes Overall Health

Health is more than what you eat–it’s about handling life with ease.

Did you know that we live our life through our nervous system? When we have a better nervous system, we have a better life. It’s that simple. From our ability to digest our food, enjoy a sunset, or be delighted by a baby’s giggle, our nervous system allows us to experience life more abundantly. If, however, your nervous system is compromised, you’re not able to live life to the fullest.

What Does Health Mean to You?

If you were to ask someone on the street, “How do you know if you’re healthy?” you might be met with answers that mention high energy and alertness, or maybe simply, “I just feel good.” But many rarely equate health to function — when all of the body parts are working as designed. And yet, that’s exactly what true health is.

So instead of thinking of the word health, think about having a sense of ease. If you have ease, which is the opposite of dis-ease, then consider yourself to have health. If there’s a lack of ease, you’re experiencing dis-ease, and chances are, your nervous system is not functioning as it was meant to.

Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Ensuring that your nervous system is free of interference through chiropractic can help you feel great. Many patients of ours also report improvements like:

  • Reduced back and neck pain
  • Enhanced immune system
  • Improved range of motion
  • Increased function
  • Heightened energy and mood

If you’d like to experience life to the fullest with a properly functioning nervous system, we invite you to contact our practice to get your spine checked.

How do you define health?

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Johnstone Chiropractic | (425) 357-7634
Proudly serving Lake Stevens and Marysville since 1997.
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