Are you looking for treatment or chiropractic adjustments for headaches & migraines near Monroe? Headaches are a common complaint for everyone, but having headaches regularly is not normal. Conventional medicine dictates pain relievers in varying strengths to relieve a headache. At our chiropractic office, we look for the cause of the problem and treat its source.
Most headaches stem from two distinct problems:
- One is from bones in the spine that do not properly support the head.
- The other stems from lower back issues.
To compensate for these subluxations, the upper spine adjusts and shifts the head off-center, which can lead to uncomfortable headaches.
Our chiropractic practice has a high success rate in treating headaches. Call us for a private consultation and to learn more about Chiropractic Treatment For Headaches & Migraines Near Monroe!
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Frequently Asked Questions:
Do all headaches come from spinal problems?
No. Headaches are usually the result of emotional stress, chemical toxins or physical trauma or a combination of influences. An exam will help to identify the most probable cause.
How do subluxations occur?
Causes may be due to physical means (slips, falls, repetitive motions, accidents, improper lifting technique), strong emotions or chemical reactions from a poor diet, drugs or alcohol, environmental factors and preservatives in food.
Am I imagining my headaches?
Your pain is real but psychological pain sources are universal. When there seems to be no logical reason for headaches, the issue is typically subluxation.
How long will treatment last?
Results are highly individualized. Some heal quickly while others take considerably longer.
What if chiropractic care doesn’t make a difference for me?
If we cannot locate and rectify your specific health problem, we will refer to experts in other fields who may be of assistance. Our goal is your total health and well-being.
Why didn’t my primary care physician recommend chiropractic care?
In years past, this was common. However, attitudes are changing toward utilizing effective chiropractic care for all types of ailments.
Who Our Chiropractor Adjustments Can Help
- Chiropractic Treatment For ADHD
- Chiropractic Treatment For Allergies
- Chiropractic Treatment For Asthma
- Chiropractor Treatment For Auto Accidents
- Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments For Back Pain
- Chiropractic Treatment For Bedwetting
- Chiropractic Treatment For Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Chiropractic Treatment For Children Infants
- Chiropractic Treatment For Colic
- Chiropractic Treatment For Ear Infections
- Chiropractic Treatment For Headaches & Migraines
- Chiropractor Treatment For Neck or Back Pain
- Chiropractic Treatment For Pinched Nerves & Subluxation
- Chiropractic Adjustments For Spine & Joint Alignment
- Chiropractic Adjustments For Subluxation Spine Alignment Treatment
- Chiropractic Treatment For PMS Premenstrual Syndrome
- Chiropractic Treatment For Pregnancy
- Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments For Sciatica
- Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments For Scoliosis
- Chiropractic Treatment For Slipped Disc In Back or Neck
- Chiropractic Treatment For Stress Management
- Chiropractic Treatment & Adjustments For Health & Wellness
- Chiropractic Adjustments For Whiplash Treatment
- Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Essential