Although we do not treat ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder specifically, chiropractic care can reduce disturbances in the nervous system, the source for this ailment. Chiropractic care is an excellent choice for a natural solution without the side effects of harmful medication. For more information on if Chiropractic Treatment For ADHD Near Mukilteo is right for you, contact us today and we’d be happy to answer any questions.
ADHD symptoms noticed most often by parents and teachers include:
- Constant motion
- Distracted by noises and other activities
- Lack of impulse control
- Inability to concentrate and sit still
- Inattentiveness and excessive activity
There are some environmental and nutritional changes that parents can make to reduce external ADHD factors:
- Remove all sugar and sugar substitutes.
- Take away preservatives, additives and food dyes in the diet.
- Concentrate on more natural and organic foods.
- Investigate potential allergies to certain foods.
- Reduce chemical use in detergents and cleaning supplies.
More conventional treatment of ADHD involves medications like Ritalin® and Adderall®. These are controlled substances that are like powerful drugs such as amphetamines and cocaine. Side effects can result in permanent brain and personality changes.
Chiropractic intervention for ADHD involves examining disturbances in the nervous system. There are often spinal deformities in the upper neck that can cause problems. A chiropractic exam can reveal issues that can be addressed with spinal manipulation and adjustments to reduce tension in the nervous system.
Explore a non-medicinal alternative to ADHD symptoms through safe and successful chiropractic care. For more information on if Chiropractic Treatment For ADHD Near Mukilteo is right for you, call us today and we’d be happy to answer any questions!
Who Our Chiropractor Adjustments Can Help
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- Why Chiropractic Adjustments Are Essential